An ambitious recovery plan is needed for Europe to thrive, FEN says

An ambitious recovery plan is needed for Europe to thrive, FEN says

High-level representatives from PES member parties, MEPs and trade unionists met by videoconference for a final discussion on the PES Plan to contain the COVID-19 shock and recover. FEN members endorsed the document – the product of a broad discussion across the PES and with stakeholders – which sets out progressive priorities for a transformative recovery for the EU following the COVID-19 crisis.

Maria João Rodrigues, PES Economic and Financial Network chair and FEPS President, said:

“The recovery must not be about going back to the past, but about transforming our future. As the PES Plan the FEN approved today sets out, the recovery is about saving lives, saving jobs and changing our future so our continent is fairer, more sustainable and more democratic.

“This is the priority for progressives as Europe starts to implement the recovery. We are delighted that the European Commission’s strategy – Next Generation EU and a revamped MFF – has a clear progressive stamp on it. At last, Europe is discussing sharing of risk – solidarity in action. At last, it is discussing the provision of grants not just loans. At last, it is highlighting the right priorities: a fair green and digital transition that is gender equal and in line with social rights.

“But we are still only at the first stage of this recovery journey. We need to make sure that this progressive stamp is carried through to effective policies for citizens. That is why the PES Plan to contain from the COVID-19 shock and recover is so important. It is the collective efforts of our political family and it will guide us as we fight for a recovery that sees Europe thrive once again.”

The PES Plan to contain the COVID-19 shock and recover has received significant input from the PES Financial Europe Network (FEN), the PES Social Europe Network (SEN), the PES Environment and Climate Change Network (ENVI), and from PES member parties, ministers, Commissioners, MEPs and civil society.

The meeting was attended by:

  • Maria Joao Rodrigues, Chair of the PES FEN Network, President of FEPS
  • Pedro Marques MEP, S&D and PES Coordinator for the implementation of our progressive Commission Work Programme, PS Portugal
  • Simona Bonafe MEP, Vice President S&D Group Bureau, Parliamentary affairs & coordination with National Parliaments and interinstitutional relations, PD Italy
  • Paul Tang MEP, PvdA, the Netherlands
  • Andreas Psaras, Secretary of the Financial Committee, EDEK Cyprus
  • Tero Shemeikka, International Secretary, SDP Finland
  • Jannis Jürgens, International Secretary, SPD Germany
  • Filippos Sachinidis, Former Minister of Finance, Movement for Change Greece
  • Ioannis Dalmas, EU Secretary, Movement for Change Greece
  • Jos Bertrand, President, ESO
  • Mija Javornik, Vice President, PES Women
  • Conny Reuter, Global Coordinator, Progressive Alliance
  • Cedrik Schmidtke, Advisor, PS Belgium
  • Andrzej Szejna, Vice-President of SLD-New Left
  • Vincent Bocquillon, Head of Unit, S&D Group in the European Parliament
  • Vytautė Liutkevičiūtė, Assistant – Economic and Monetary Affairs, S&D Group in the European Parliament
  • Susanna Reither, Assistant – Economic and Monetary Affairs, S&D Group in the European Parliament
  • Nuno Felipe Eca Guimares, Advisor to Margarida Marques MEP, European Parliament
  • Michel Cermak, Advisor to Pierre Larrouturou MEP, European Parliament
  • Elena Dimosthenous, Advisor to Costas Mavrides MEP, European Parliament
  • Stephanie Boom, Advisor to Aurore Lalucq MEP, European Parliament
  • Yonnec Polet, Deputy Secretary General, PES